
Developer Documentation

Hosted Payment Page parameters

Last Updated: 24 January 2023

Request parameters

Header parameters

Parameter Required / Optional Description Data Type
The generated digital signature that ensures no tampering has occurred with a request sent to us. Read how to create it on the digital signature algorithm page.

Body parameters

transactionType String Required

Indicates whether the transaction is an authorization or a sale. An authorization places a hold on the cardholders funds and requires a follow-up capture transaction to be performed. The sale transaction performs the authorization and a capture at the same time. Possible Values:

  • sale
  • authorize

storeName String

The name of your store. This is displayed in the header of the hosted payments form.

successUrl String

The URL to which the cardholder is redirected following a successful transaction. This would typically be a webpage hosted by your server.

failureUrl String

The URL to which the hosted payment redirects the cardholder following a successful transaction.

declinedUrl String

The URL to which the hosted payment page redirects the cardholder following the transaction being declined by Truevo or the Issuer.

transactionUniqueIdentifier String

Unique identifier previously generated for a transaction. This is only required if a previous step has been performed, such as preparing a checkout. If this is the initial request made, this field can be ignored.

merchantReference String Required

A reference provided by you for the transaction, commonly used for reconciliation. It is recommended that the identifier is unique to the transaction.

paymentReference String Required

A reference provided as a description for the transaction.

amount Object

totalAmount Number Required

The total amount requested for the transaction. If a breakdown is specified, this would represent the sum of all detailed amounts.

currencyAlphaCode String Required

The currency alpha code of the transaction, specified with the three-character ISO 4217 code.

details Object

paymentAmount Number

The net transaction amount prior to specifying additional amounts, such as gratuity.

gratuityAmount Number

The additional amount the payer has chosen to provide as a tip or gratuity.

descriptor String

May be used to populate the merchant name descriptor presented in the cardholder’s statement. Contact Truevo for details.

mid String Required

The unique identifier issued to you by Truevo.

tid String Required

The identity of the terminal utilised in the transaction. This will also be supplied to you by Truevo.

physicalAddress Object

Merchant physical address.

street1 String

Line 1 of the street address.

street2 String

Line 2 of the street address.

city String

The name of the city/town.

state String

The name of the state/county.

postCodeZip String

The postal/zip code.

countryAlphaCode String

The alpha 2 code of the country, relates to country name.

subMerchantId String

The unique identifier of the sub-merchant. This field is required for Payment Facilitators.

firstName String

The first name of the customer.

lastName String

The last/family name of the customer.

birthDate String

The date of birth of the customer in this format: YYYY-MM-DD

nationality String

The nationality of the customer.

contact Object

Customer’s contact details.

email String Required (if customer object is specified)

The email address of the customer.

mobile String

The mobile number of the customer.

phone String

The home phone number of the customer.

workPhone String

The work phone number of the customer.

url String

The website URL of the customer.

ip String

The IP address of the customer.

companyName String

The company name of the customer.

taxRegistration String

The tax registration number of the customer.

physicalAddress Object

street1 String

Line 1 of the street address.

street2 String

Line 2 of the street address.

city String

The name of the city/town.

state String

The name of the state/county.

postCodeZip String

The postal/zip code.

countryAlphaCode String

The alpha 2 code of the country, relates to country name.

billingAddress Object

street1 String

Line 1 of the street address.

street2 String

Line 2 of the street address.

city String

The name of the city/town.

state String

The name of the state/county.

postCodeZip String

The postal/zip code.

countryAlphaCode String

The alpha 2 code of the country, relates to country name.

merchantShopperReference String Required(if tokenization object is specified)

The unique reference assigned to a cardholder in order to group tokenized card details under a customer. Ideally, this should be the cardholder username within a e-commerce system.

tokenRegistrationProcess String Required(if tokenization object is specified)

Used to indicate the process to be taken for storing cards. If Optional is used, the storing of card details will be done based on the decision of the cardholder at the time of inputting card details for the transaction.

Enum: “Always”, “Optional”, “None”

Response parameters

Parameter Description Data Type
If successful. The URL of the hosted payment page that has been created to capture the customer’s card details.
A reason or explanation of why the request failed.

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