
Developer Documentation

Payment Widget Styling Capabilities

Search site Payment Widget Payment Widget styling capabilities Widget themes Classic theme There are 5 light and dark theme modes. By default Classic theme is applied. theme: classic Classic light desktop form Classic dark desktop form Classic light mobile form Classic dark mobile form Previous Next For a detailed breakdown of the custom CSS you […]

Accept Google Pay in Payment Widget

Search site Payment Widget Enable Google Pay in Payment Widget Google Pay merchant onboarding Currently, Truevo only supports Merchant Registration onboarding for Google Pay™. This means we as the payment platform manage the Google Pay™ configuration on your behalf and you are not required to set up a Google Developer account or configure your own […]

Accept Apple Pay in Payment Widget

Search site Payment Widget Accept Apple Pay in Payment Widget Apple Pay merchant onboarding Currently, Truevo only supports Merchant Registration onboarding for Apple Pay. This means we as the payment platform manage the Apple Pay configuration on your behalf and you are not required to set up an Apple Developer account or configure your own […]

Payment Widget Parameters

Search site Payment Widget Payment Widget parameters Configuration parameters transactionType String Required Used to indicate if the transaction is a sale or an authorisation that will be captured later. Enum: “sale”, “authorize” widgetConfiguration Object Optional Widget configuration language String Optional Enum: “EN” showTruevo Boolean Optional Whether to display the trusted Truevo logo and footer text […]

Payment Widget Overview

Search site Payment Widget Payment Widget overview The Payment Widget allows is a pre-built JavaScript UI that allows you to embed payments directly into your custom website without extensive development work. Benefits of the Payment Widget It allows you to begin accepting payments faster. It’s simple and easy to integrate into your current website. You […]